Strengthening Our Communities, One Child at a Time
Each one of our programs serves a specific purpose and is developed through thoughtful and collaborative inputs from all of our staff.
Our Programs
What We Do
Our programs focus on holistic childhood development, providing support and resources, and cultivate the child's artistic interests through movement.

Basic Needs for Education (BNE)
All of the children we serve require support with their basic needs. The Basic Needs for Education program seeks to reduce Rwanda’s dropout rate by equipping children with the basic resources they need to succeed at school, including school fees, school uniforms, school supplies, and health insurance.

After School (L.E.A.D.)
With a goal of engaging students in active, year round learning, The LEAD (Life Enhancement & Academic Development) After-School program provides children with a safe space to build confidence, improve their academics, and learn basic life skills that will equip them for healthy adulthoods.

The Healthy Child
One of the most basic tenets of Hope Shines is to empower Rwanda’s youth, which begins with each child understanding and respecting his or her own body. Taught by trained teachers, The Healthy Child Program is layered into our other programs with provisional meals and clean water during after-school programming, annual insurance, feminine hygiene supplies, psycho-social care from social workers, and overall health education. A healthy child is a thriving one!

Current Initiatives
Human development is a life-long journey. We aim to use several approaches to shaping a child in a way that allows them to reach their fullest potentials as adults. Our programs and methods of supporting these young children involve a dedicated team and parents that buy into what we seek to accomplish. We strategically use these initiatives to enhance our programs, which gives us a greater chance to succeed in our mission. Explore some of our current initiatives below.

The Learning Garden
Located right in our learning center back yard, this garden serves a few purposes.

Parents Committee
Our peers can influence our lives in great ways and that is why the Parents Committee was formed.

Parent Vocational Training
We understand that our children come from backgrounds of extreme hardship. For that reason, we seek to improve the lives of the families, which directly supports the child.

"Ikibina" - Translated as "a group of people with a common goal"
This consortium is made up of 28 parents and was born out of the Parent’s Committee.
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Social Enterprise
Enterprise with Purpose
Icyizere Initiative (The “Hope” Initiative) is a sustainable social enterprise arm operating in Rwanda. The aim of the social enterprise is to create jobs, build up the knowledge base around healthy living, and to contribute to improving the lives of those living in poverty.
Each project is uniquely designed to address health issues, job training opportunities, environmental impact, and continued education. Icyizere Initiative is shareholder owned by Hope Shines, Inc. and operates also to sustainably offset expenses associated with operating child development and community programs.