Building Brighter Futures
Hope Shines equips children with the tools and skills required to open the doors of opportunity, and we give them the encouragement, confidence, and hope they need to continue to strive for happier and healthier lives.

Love Grows
Where Hope Shines
Hope Shines, Inc. empowers Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) to reach their fullest potentials in life. We equip children with the tools and skills required to open the doors of opportunity and we give them the encouragement, confidence, and hope they need to continue to strive for happier and healthier lives.
We achieve this by:
Identifying the most vulnerable youth in the community that face the biggest challenges
Designing and implementing custom programs that address the challenges and needs of each child then support them with their basic needs
Measuring the impact then continually enhance and improve programs to ensure that impact is optimized and lives are improving
Our Programs
What We Do
Hope Shines offers three top-level programs that focus on holistic childhood development, as well as a series of initiatives to help support and supplement these programs.
We’re continuously adding new programs and initiatives to address child and family needs as they arise. Check out our What We Do page to see a full list of our holistic efforts.
Why We Do It
Every child has the right to live a happy and healthy life. Since 1994, when Rwanda suffered through the horrific Genocide Against the Tutsi in which 1 million men, women, and children perished in just 100 days, communities have been grappling with the long-term trauma of this event. While Rwanda has made remarkable strides toward recovery, social and economic challenges still exist today. Hope Shines targets the most at need children that still struggle through the emotional trauma that continues today.
Meals Served Annually
Of Students Promoted To The Next Grade
School Dropout Rate
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