My upbringing is very similar to the Hope Shines students so I very easily relate to what they go through on a daily basis and no one is able to do everything on their own. We all need each other.


Hope Shines Facility Manager

My connection with my child has made me more aware of the challenges she faces, as well as her resilience and determination to meet those challenges. I’m confident my financial and personal support are well placed. Investing in her potential and her future wellbeing is a decision I’m grateful to have made.



Meet Eric

Fully Sponsored!

Eric was born in 2004 and is a rather calm boy. He has 1 brother and 2 sisters. Eric comes from a very sad and unfortunate background. As a young boy, he was abandoned by his mother and father after they separated and moved elsewhere. An elderly blind man named Mr. Sadiki heard this story from a member of his church and decided to adopt him. Mr. Sadiki used to be a teacher in Burundi and Congo so he knows the value of education and wanted Eric to go to school. He tried to provide him in his school needs, although that wasn’t always easy. As he gets older, he is fearful he won’t be able to support Eric at all, even though most support comes from the neighbors and the local church since being blind hinders his ability to work.

Mr. Sadiki was really happy when Hope Shines started to support Eric starting in 2016. “Eric is a bright young man who was born in unfortunate circumstances. He can be able to fend for himself if he gets the chance to go to school.” says Mr. Sadiki.

Some time ago, Eric got contact with his father and Hope Shines tried to encourage that relationship and spoke with the father. That relationship is very distant and needs a lot of time and work but they are in conttact at some level.
Eric and Mr. Sadiki live in a one bedroom mud house with no electricity or clean water. He often eats only one time per day outside of Hope Shines meals.
At school Eric’s favorite subject is English and his dream is to become an engineer when he grows up. Eric likes playing football (soccer) and his happiest moments at Hope Shines is when he plays with the other kids. Eric can be serious and silly and over time his confidence is building while at Hope Shines. He now is feeling more optimistic about his future and that too brings joy to him, something he didn’t have much of not too long before.

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